Carlie’s Infamous Office Tour

The Story Wall

Welcome to our story wall! There is way too much to share in a couple sentences, but the gist is that the wall tells the story of Barringer Raleigh. The Raleigh story at our Charlotte headquarters (upper left-hand corner) and progresses to what you see and experience here today – note the reference to Brews & Bacon! 

It all started off with Lenny Knott and Brian DiDiano, who were determined to grow the Barringer family and plant the flag in the Raleigh-Durham area. As they began hiring talented team members, they quickly realized that they were going to outgrow the small co-working space they occupied at Industrious Charter Square and made the commitment to establish a permanent home for us in downtown Raleigh. We found ourselves building lasting relationships and awesome projects, helping the community we live in and work in, presenting our co-workers with the Cherry Blossom Award for the biggest screw up each year, and not just playing a whole lot of cornhole, but winning cornhole…except for this year. Ask Travis Post or Brandon Norris about their recent dethroning from cornhole champs. 

Shoutout to our amazing Marketing Guru, Alexis Raterman, for creating the graphic mural. See if you can find her and her dog Mak hidden within the story!